Monday, February 16, 2009


History to New Generation

In a modern development we use machine for information processing, way back before ancient times. Primitive men used pebbles, sticks, scratches on wall or in rocks and pictures as their basis for information and calculation.

Now that we are facing in a new generation, we experience countless changes, everything is changing with this fast changing world we can say that innovation have made our life more easier and better.

As a Computer Science student in the field of education now that I can say I belong with this Technological Advancements of Modernization and progress. Computer Science students not only give and studies Information Technologies, but we just also student that gives new ideas of information regarding with this changing world, our focus is more on analyzing and problem solving. In terms of communication , agriculture, industry, and some business transaction we able to specialized and creating a program that will lessen their time and made lives more easier and convenient. The word "Interesting", "Learning" and "Process" is in our heart and mind that gives us more strenght and power in the field of Information Technologies. Computer is in our mind success and fulfillment is in our heart and most specially our futures and our dreams will be in our work.

The world of Computer Science is not easier as we think... because even computers has successfully made human work easier, there are still troubles that made things in computer way error and inconvenient to everyone specially when it failed to work by means of virus or loosing power services.

Capabilities of Computer

1. Ability to perform logic operations and mathematical manipulations.

2. Ability to store and retrieve information or data.

3. Ability to control error.

4. Ability to check itself.

Limitations of computer

  1. Inability to derive meaning from objects
  2. Inability to generate information on its on
  3. It cannot correct wrong instructions
  4. Dependence on prepared instructions

Reasons why computers sometimes fail

  1. Input errors garbage-in garbage-out
  2. Errors is instructing the computer
  3. The communication gap
  4. Improper controls
  5. Lack of standards
  6. Lack of adequate manufacturer support

Types of Attacks

      1. VIRUS - is a piece of progrmming code usually disguised as something else that causes some unexpected and usually undesirable event. A true virus does not spread itself from computer to computer.

      2. WORM - also harmful computer programs. It has the ability to propagate without human intervention. Example is ILOVEYOU worm.

      3. TROJAN HORSE - it is a program that gets secretly installed in a computer. The hacker can steal passwords or spy on users by recording keystrokes and transmitting them to a third party. Example is Cute Trojan Horse.

      4. DENIAL- OF - SERVICE ATTACKS -is one in which a malicious hacker takes over computers on the internet and causes them to flood a target site with demands for data and other small task.


      Computer Education

      Deals about Computers...
      • History of computer...
      • Benefits of using Computers...
      • How to use computers..
      • People behind the discovery of computers...
      • Development of Computer Education...

      When it come to different business types of organization when people of today's generations are all involve with computers, even a simple minimart used computer to record thir sales..

      Now even schools promote courses deals with computers... COMPUTER EDUCATION, related to the different school curriculums which offer a high standard of teaching and imparting of knowledge about computer.. Without computers, different programs will not established for the benefit of others.

      Educating people about computer is one of the reason why our technology gets in its highest help.. Computer Education does not deal only on how computers help us, but it deals also on how we can use computer for many changes and developments.

      Now let us explore our self to World of Computer Education....